
British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

Addressing sustainability is the big challenge of our times, in the United Kingdom just as much as in Germany. How can we make our societies and economies sustainable, from climate change to biodiversity? Time is of the essence. All parts of our economies need to contribute and come up with innovative solutions to address the myriad of challenges we face, from start-ups and SMEs to multinationals and financial institutions. The BCCG’s Sustainability expert group brings together the deep and diverse knowledge of its members to address this challenge. German-British cooperation on hydrogen? Sustainable cross-border logistics? Financing green projects? The expert group is well placed to contribute.

Expert Group



Frank Scheidig
Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank
Global Head
Frankfurt am Main

Marcus Pratsch



Marcus Pratsch
Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank
Head of Sustainable Bonds & Finance

Nadine-Lan Hönighaus



Nadine-Lan Hönighaus
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Head of Governance im EMA ESG Hub

Information for download

Informationen zum Download

BCCG ESG-Talk, April 2024: (in german language)
Berichts- und Sorgfaltspflichten für Unternehmen 
by Irina Paschke, Senior Managerin Sustainability Services, BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
& ESG-Berichterstattung mit Bezug zum Vereinigten Königreich
by Stefanie Skoluda, Partnerin, National Office Audit & Assurance, BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Download information

BCCG Expert Group Meeting, Online, 25 October 2023:
Corporate Reporting
by Dr Sven Hayn, Wirtschaftsprüfer, WP Hayn

Wirtschaft braucht Stabilität!

BCCG Expert Group Meeting, Online, 26 June 2023:
Accelerating Sustainability with the Circular Economy
by Phoebe BlackburnCommunication & Circular Economy; Adrien VercaempstCircular Lead Business Model & Ralf OttoSenior Circular Facilitator 
Hi Circular!

Wirtschaft braucht Stabilität!

BCCG Expert Group Meeting, Berlin, 15 May 2023:
Sustainability Reporting, The BIG three proposals
by Dr Sven Hayn, Wirtschaftsprüfer, WP Hayn