
British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

We are a privately financed corporate network with around 600 members and more than 6,000 personal contacts that are active in business and bilateral trade.

A strong and collaborative network

Since our beginnings in 1919, our mission has always been consistent: to reciprocal promote business and commercial interests of Germany and the UK and to develop and strengthen links between the two countries.

Today, we are one of the most powerful international business networks in Germany, and the largest British-German business associations in Europe. It is comprised of representatives and leaders from businesses in Germany and the UK. For more than 100 years, we have coordinated activities to foster business development – to build bridges for a prosperous partnership between Germany and the UK.

Dr. Martin C. Wolff

Vorsitzender des Vorstands | Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr

“The CNSS sees itself as a bridge between academia, strategy, and security policy. A membership in the BCCG Network provides us with a valuable platform to strengthen transatlantic relationships, drive innovation, and develop joint solutions to the security challenges of our time.”

Lana Hampicke

Partner | T3 Consultants Ltd

“Our clients want to stay ahead of regulation whilst keeping a strong handle on their performance and strategy. BCCG is an essential partner, advancing sustainable growth and responsible innovation in global regulatory landscapes.”

Bettina Poppe

Managing Director I BluKonzept Consulting

“At BluKonzept, we highly value the strong collaboration network BCCG creates between Germany and the UK. Their connections and events support our growth and strengthens cross-border partnerships. The platform BCCG provides, offers a solid bridge between both markets – ensuring a successful future for a business like ours.”

Dr. Arndt Schwaiger

Dr. Arndt Schwaiger I Entrepreneur, Business Angel and Advisor

“As an entrepreneur, business angel, advisor, and speaker with a background in computer science & artificial intelligence (PhD) and business administration, I highly value the BCCG as a vital platform for exchange between the UK and Germany. With my experience in founding several technology-based companies, advising over 500 teams, and serving on the advisory boards of various companies, I am well-positioned to support startups, investors, and businesses in both countries. The BCCG allows me to expand my international network and contribute to strengthening economic relations.”

Jutta Jakobi

Managing Director I Kaoun International GmbH

“As an international trade fair company, we recognize the vital importance of fostering strong business ties across borders. Supporting the BCCG aligns perfectly with our mission to facilitate global connections, and we highly value the Chamber’s efforts in promoting UK-German trade relations. Together, we look forward to driving international collaboration and innovation.”

Mathias Schreiber

Partner I PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

“Als PwC schätzen wir die BCCG sehr. Ihre Unterstützung stärkt die strategischen deutsch-britischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und bietet uns wertvolle Einblicke und Netzwerkmöglichkeiten in beiden Ländern.”

Steven Thomas


“Die BCCG bietet ein starkes, internationales Netzwerk, das dem branchen- und generationenübergreifenden Dialog einen einzigartigen Raum gibt. Zahlreiche, spannende Veranstaltungsformate bieten das ideale Umfeld für Vernetzung und Erfahrungsaustausch. Als Gründer von MILESTONE CONCEPT bin ich sehr dankbar für die vielfältigen Gelegenheiten im Rahmen der BCCG, inspirierende Menschen kennenzulernen und wertvolle Verbindungen aufzubauen.”

Dr. Angela Kerek

Founder I iuniti GmbH

“For iuniti, a start-up changing the way how people experience thriving at work, BCCG is an incredibly valuable platform for networks and strategic partnership with customers.”

Heiko Petzold

Partner I Osborne Clarke

“Als international agierende Wirtschaftskanzlei mit britischen Wurzeln blicken wir seit Jahren auf eine enge Partnerschaft mit der BCCG zurück. Diese gewinnt durch den intensiven Ausbau unseres Deutschlandgeschäfts und den Fokus auf länderübergreifende Beratung internationaler Mandanten immer weiter an Bedeutung.”

Evelyn Echeverria

CEO & Founder, I Mishki Yaku Ecuadorian Luxury Coffee

“BCCG has been one of the strongest supporters to introduce us to the luxury market. During many of our meetings with representatives of this chamber, we have not only met important key stakeholders, but also gained renowned clients.”

Benit Haxhosaj


“I have found the British Chambers of Commerce Germany to be an invaluable platform for exchange and bridge-building. You can engage in meaningful cross-cultural dialogue, gaining unique insights and collaborative opportunities. The BCCG has been instrumental in connecting with key industry players, enriching my professional journey with diverse perspectives and partnerships.”

Andrew Carr

Geschäftsführer I cpcm GmbH

“Als cpcm GmbH haben wir uns auf die Beratung im Bauprojektsteuerung- und Kostenmanagement spezialisiert. Es ist wichtig, ein gutes Netzwerk zu haben, um über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Die BCCG hat über die Jahre Konferenzen und gesellige Zusammenkünfte organisiert, die es mir ermöglichten, Fachleute zu treffen, insbesondere Immobilienberater, Entwickler und Investoren. Auch als geprüfter Quantity Surveyor, der in Deutschland unparteiische Beratung zu Due Diligence und Kostenkontrolle anbietet, ist es unerlässlich, Erfahrungen mit Kollegen auszutauschen, um mit den sich ständig ändernden Zeiten in der Immobilienentwicklung Schritt zu halten, insbesondere hier in Berlin.”

David Issmer

Managing Director I Teneo Germany GmbH

“Teneo is the global CEO advisory firm. We partner with our clients globally to do great things for a better future. The cooperation between our offices in Germany and the UK is particularly close and seamless. Therefore, membership in the BCCG is a matter of course for us.”

Laura Whitmore

Head of Cyber Business Development Programmes I
University of Gloucestershire

“The University of Gloucestershire are a proud member of the BCCG. Privileged to tap into an exceptional network of international companies and contacts; the BCCG’s meticulously organized networking programs have provided us with unparalleled opportunities to connect with fellow professionals, exchange knowledge, and expand our global business expertise. The BCCG is an invaluable platform that consistently delivers remarkable value for the University, thank you.”

Natalie Jakobus-Hillers

Managing Director I MINDCRAFT Consulting

“Die BCCG ist ein wertvolles Netzwerk, welches Menschen branchenübergreifend verbindet. Mit über 20 Jahren Führungserfahrung im internationalen Fashion Retail und Leitung von globalen Corporate Projects, begleite ich heute als Executive Coach und Beraterin Kunden weltweit. Ich freue mich darauf, meine Expertise weiterzugeben und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedern.”

Alexander Milkereit

CEO I Milkereit & Co. Unternehmensgruppe

“As part of the Milkereit Group, EIC has benefited from membership for a relatively short time but nevertheless gained a valuable extension to the business network of the company. We are a bespoke insurance service and quality network for our clients and for expert information and events is paramount. Even after a short time BCCG has proved a valuable partner.”

Dr. Julia Schönbohm

Partner I Linklaters LLP

“As a leading international law firm headquartered in London, we can look back on years of successful cooperation thanks to our close network between the UK and Germany. We benefit enormously from being a premium member of the BCCG, as it enables us to expand our network even further and discuss current and interesting topics and trends with new contacts in Germany and the UK.”

Frank Niehage, LL.M.


„Für flatexDEGIRO, als Europas führendem Online-Broker, ist grenzüberschreitendes Denken seit jeher Kern unserer Unternehmensphilosophie und Basis für unser erfolgreiches Wachstum. Wir freuen uns, in der gemeinsamen Partnerschaft mit der BCCG wichtige Themen, wie eine Stärkung der allgemeinen Finanzbildung, europaweit noch stärker voranzutreiben. Ein Engagement, nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Bedeutung des britischen Marktes für unsere Konzernmarke DEGIRO, die dort bereits heute eine hoch-fünfstellige Anzahl an Kunden betreut.“

Detlef Milkereit

CEO I Milkereit & Co. Unternehmensgruppe

“The Milkereit Group has been a sponsoring member for a year now. The experience has been most positive both at national level and indeed here in NRW. The Milkereit Group is a financial services advisor with a trade network division and an insurance broking company with expatriate focus. Support of BCCG brings excellent network addition. Expertise and access to quality information connected with UK and internationally is readily available.”

Steven McKinlay

Head of Germany Desk I Burness Paull LLP

“As a leading, top tier independent law firm based in Scotland, we routinely provide Scots and wider UK legal advice to German businesses looking to invest in the UK and to clients doing business in Germany. Being part of the BCCG, and the Scotland regional committee, has allowed us to continue to expand our network to better help our clients meet their strategic and international objectives.”

Chenchao Liu

SILREAL GmbH I Geschäftsführer

“Die BCCG bietet eine gute Plattform, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und einen branchenübergreifenden Erfahrungsaustausch zu generieren. Ich freue mich besonders, meine Erfahrung im Bereich der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens einzubringen und den Austausch beider Länder zu fördern.”

Oliver Friedrichs

Geschäftsführer I take-e-way GmbH

“take-e-way ist ein international agierendes Beratungsunternehmen rund um die Themen EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) und Product Compliance im EWR und UK. Um interaktiv Synergien zu nutzen und Strategien vorausschauend umzusetzen, ist BCCG ein bereichernder Partner innerhalb der globalen und komplexen Wirtschaft.”

Martin Hook

Managing Director I Ayming UK Limited, London

“Ayming is delighted to partner with BCCG to support innovation funding for companies in Germany, the UK and across Europe.”

Oliver Röseler

Vice President | DHL Group

“For DHL as the world’s leading logistics company with more than 50.000 UK employees, BCCG is a valuable strategic partner in bilateral and global economic politics.”

Anita Gödiker


“Setting up a company headquarters, subsidiary or representative office in Germany is more interesting than ever for British companies after Brexit. At Satellite Office, we have been planning and executing successful company formations for over 20 years. We bring this expertise to the BCCG through our membership and are happy to pass it on.”

Annette Tunn, World Champion

Owner | Pfeilflug.com, Panketal

“For eight years, I have accompanied BCCG events with the archery events offered by my company, Pfeilflug.com. I am impressed by the professional networking and how people come together here to support each other and generate added value. So, I greatly appreciate now being officially a member of this welcoming community.”

Britta Posner

Founder & Director | The Collaboration Practice, Berlin

“In times when so much seems to divide us, collaboration is especially important. This is why, as a member of the BCCG, I am looking forward to providing a platform for constructive discussions and establishing collaboration above and beyond familiar boundaries.”

Christian Kiock

Managing Director | better decisions Ltd., Peterborough

“Having worked and lived in both countries for many years, the link between Germany and the UK has become part of the “story of my life” – both professionally and privately. Supporting the BCCG here in the UK and helping UK companies enter the German market (and vice versa) with my own experience is a great way to give back some of the support I have enjoyed over the years.”

Christopher Sieler

Head of Government & Public Affairs | Syngenta Agro GmbH, Maintal

“Still being a common European family, we at Syngenta are thankful for the excellent network and high-quality events the BCCG provides to its members. Keeping ties between the United Kingdom and Germany is essential – now and in the future.”

Danuta Florczyk

Managing Directir | tectumedia GmbH, Berlin

“tectumedia is a leading performance marketing solution provider, with a global vision. The BCCG is the right place for us to approach our international clients. It’s a launching platform for business exchanges and alliances among its members to combine strengths and reach for new goals.”

Dominik Bornewasser

Director | SATELLITE OFFICE Giradet Haus Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf

“The number of companies with equity investments from the UK has risen since 2018 by around 25% in the Duesseldorf area. I look forward to increasing this impressive number further at Satellite Office in Duesseldorf with virtual and real office services. We believe that our cooperation with the BCCG will bring exciting contacts, lively exchange and a long-term collaboration!”

Dr. Jörn-Christian Schulze

Partner, Specialist Lawyer for International Business Law | ARQIS Rechtsanwälte, Düsseldorf

“ARQIS lawyers not only think globally, we also always advise our clients with an eye to international contexts. So it’s natural for our firm to be a member of the BCCG and to keep our know-how relevant through interaction in the network.”

Dr. Rainer M. Giersch

Partner | Accordo Partners Ltd., Hamburg

“I have been engaged with the Chamber and been a member for over 20 years, seeing it grow to its current stature. The BCCG is a great networking platform and I am happy to say, we have generated some considerable business from that base.”

Elizabeth Lehnich

Managing Director | Discover Legal GmbH, Hamburg

“Discover Legal GmbH provides professional financial and legal translations. With our main focus being on translations in German and English, becoming a member of the BCCG was a logical step. The BCCG was also our first port of call for intensifying personal and economic relations between British and German nationals, especially in our current challenging times and in view of Brexit.”

Frank Eich

Director | Economicsense Ltd, Surbiton

“By becoming a member of BCCG, we want to help businesses navigate the complex political and business landscapes in Germany and the UK by offering bespoke economic insights, analysis and training.”

Gerald Moor

Managing Director | DEUTSCHE INKERMAN GmbH, Meerbusch

“As an international security and information services provider based in both Duesseldorf and London, Deutsche Inkerman’s membership of the BCCG is essential for us as it allows us to deepen our partnerships with other organizations oriented towards Anglo-German and international business, share our expertise in security issues and launch new cross-border projects.”

Harald Löffler

Partner / Solicitor Advocate | DAC Beachcroft LLP, Manchester

“Our law firm has over 10 offices in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and our own German-language department, and we regularly advise clients from German-speaking countries on all aspects of their business activities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In this context, our membership of the BCCG provides an ideal platform to discuss current developments and trends and meet new clients.”

Heiko Kretschmer

Founder and Managing Partner | Johanssen + Kretschmer, Berlin

“Johanssen + Kretschmer (JK) is a communications consultancy with around 40 employees in Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg that has been focusing specifically on stakeholders and their perspectives since its foundation in 2001. Following Brexit, strategic business alliances are the order of the day. By becoming a member of the BCCG, we want to enable even more companies to make the best possible use of their political and regulatory environment and build up resilient networks.”

Jan Peter van der Ree

General Manager | Grand Hyatt Berlin, Berlin

“Grand Hyatt Berlin is one of the leading hotels in Berlin, known for creating experiences beyond expectation for Conference participants and their senior leadership as well as for Luxury travelers from all around the world. Therefore, we are especially pleased to have found a partner in BCCG with whom we can further expand our international relations and network with other companies.”

Johannes Augustin

Head of Central European Region | Scottish Development International, Dusseldorf

“Scottish Development International (SDI) is the Scottish Government’s business development agency, providing a comprehensive range of services to companies interested in setting up in Scotland and willing to invest. Our core objectives are to initiate and acquire job-creating direct investment into Scotland, and to promote Scottish company exports to Central Europe. The BCCG is an important partner for us in this. The now legendary Burns Supper in Frankfurt (organised by the BCCG) is an annual highlight for us to stay in touch with our business partners and celebrate Scottish culture and lifestyle.”

Kristina Karg

Owner | IVENT-SAILING, Kleinmachnow

“For us at IVENT-SAILING, as a global tour operator for sailing holidays and corporate events as well as our brand FACIL BLU Yachting for luxury yacht charter and sales, the BCCG offers great opportunities to complete our international network, meet interesting business partners and enjoy the community of open-minded, global thinkers.”

Michael Sting


“In times of social tension and unpredictability of events, the BCCG provides a strong and reliable foundation for UK-German trade relations.”

Peter Brock

Managing Partner | BeeWyzer GmbH, Berlin

“It is my particular personal desire to support not only the BCCG (as a member of the regional NRW Committee), but also the BCCG Foundation as a member of the Board of Trustees in its efforts to foster a vivid exchange of German-British students. Despite a very close relationship between our countries, I believe that it is vital to continuously support younger generations in the multicultural exchange.”

Petra Lienhop

P e t r a L i e n h o p I Burgdorf

“I was bitten by the GB bug early on, because at the age of 9, I attended a Stanford & Ackel summer school for the first time, followed by four more years. At 19, I served an apéritif to Princess Diana and Prince Charles during a state visit to Hanover. After 30 years in the hotel industry with many international guests, I am now an executive coach and sparring partner, supporting people with significant social and corporate responsibility, and look forward to inspiring encounters in the BCCG network.”

Ralf Lange

motionfinity, Geesthacht

“My industrial background comes with former ITT Industries over to Xylem Let’s solve Water in UK for the EMEA region. This provides me with strong expertise in UK-EU business relations. My agency motionfinity came into being because of the passion for the UK and the wish to approach the Brexit agenda as a reality for SMEs. This is why I am glad to join the BCCG network and to support it with my background. My passions include my 3 grown up kids, sailing, boating and light social media.”

Sigrid Bauschert

Board of Directors | Management Circle AG, Eschborn/Ts.

“The BCCG provides first-hand relevant information on Brexit; this is ensured not only by the top-class presidium. The fruitful exchange between members and the large number of excellent events are also an ideal platform for British-German business life. The BCCG – a strong network!”

Stefan Hienzsch

Assistant General Counsel | BMW Group, Munich

“The BMW Group, with numerous locations in the UK, views itself as a good Corporate Citizen in German-British trade relations. Involvement in the organisation of the British Chambers of Commerce is a matter of course. The BCCG has become a great idea accelerator in challenging times.”

Stefan Peikert

Managing Director | AHP International GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin

“The BCCG relies on the commitment of the members in their regional committees. This means their work is authentic and especially valuable for those of us active in the German-British business field.”