Head of Cyber Business Development Programmes I
University of Gloucestershire

“The University of Gloucestershire are a proud member of the BCCG. Privileged to tap into an exceptional network of international companies and contacts; the BCCG’s meticulously organized networking programs have provided us with unparalleled opportunities to connect with fellow professionals, exchange knowledge, and expand our global business expertise. The BCCG is an invaluable platform that consistently delivers remarkable value for the University, thank you.”

Laura Whitmore

CEO I Milkereit & Co. Unternehmensgruppe

“The Milkereit Group has been a sponsoring member for a year now. The experience has been most positive both at national level and indeed here in NRW. The Milkereit Group is a financial services advisor with a trade network division and an insurance broking company with expatriate focus. Support of BCCG brings excellent network addition. Expertise and access to quality information connected with UK and internationally is readily available.”

Detlef Milkereit

SILREAL GmbH I Geschäftsführer

“Die BCCG bietet eine gute Plattform, um neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und einen branchenübergreifenden Erfahrungsaustausch zu generieren. Ich freue mich besonders, meine Erfahrung im Bereich der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens einzubringen und den Austausch beider Länder zu fördern.”

Chenchao Liu

Managing Director I Ayming UK Limited, London

“Ayming is delighted to partner with BCCG to support innovation funding for companies in Germany, the UK and across Europe.”

Martin Hook

Partner, Specialist Lawyer for International Business Law | ARQIS Rechtsanwälte, Düsseldorf

“ARQIS lawyers not only think globally, we also always advise our clients with an eye to international contexts. So it’s natural for our firm to be a member of the BCCG and to keep our know-how relevant through interaction in the network.”

Dr. Jörn-Christian Schulze