
British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

With SHeconomy, we have established a communication platform that enables the regular exchange of ideas and the discussion of innovative approaches to economic and political topics. In addition, we give committed women the opportunity to network further.

Without a good network, you can no longer be successful professionally in this day and age. In times when disruptive technologies are massively changing entire industries, networking skills are extremely important. It has been proven that professional success is only 10 percent determined by expertise, one third by behaviour and almost two thirds by relationships. Networking is as important for entry-level professionals as it is for managers. You can't start early enough. A Chinese proverb says: "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now". This means: You have to have a stable network before you need it!

Ilka Hartmann, Managing Director, BCCG

In our virtual monthly series, we feature female role models with incredible personal and career success stories, and create a space for conversations. 

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2025

Prof. Andrea Römmele

Vizepräsidentin, Hertie School in Berlin

Daniela Kluckert

Mitglied des Bundestags (FDP)

Sirkka Jendis

Geschäftsführerin, Tafel Deutschland e.V.

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2024

Ulrike Hiller

Staatsrätin a.D., 

mmc – management beratung, mediation & coaching


Anette Lippert

Partner, Checksum Ventures GmbH

Ev Bangemann

Managing Partner Markets Germany at EY

Valentine Baumert

Executive Government Affairs, Philip Morris Deutschland

Franziska Greber & Dr Doris Felbinger

Women in the Dark & BIG e.V.

Elke Benning-Rohnke

2TOP, Gründerin & geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin

Bärbel Boy

CEO, Boy Strategie und Kommunikation GmbH

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2023 Archive

Katharina Rahne & Lena Meyer

Managing Directors

Petra Lienhop

Sparringspartnerin und Vertraute für Menschen an der Führungsspitze

Susan Tackenberg

Owner, Susan Tackenberg Media & Communications Consultant

Petra Spillman & Natalie Jakobus-Hillers

Directors The Heart Minded Approach

Sarah Needham

Executive Leadership Advisor & Coach, Unique U Coaching

Dr. Krisztina Berger

Practice for Integrity and Flow

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2022 Archive

Katrin Hansmeier

Autorin, Rednerin, Diplom-Schauspielerin und seit vielen Jahren Humortrainerin am Deutschen Institut für Humor®

Lara Gonschorowski

Editor in Chief COSMOPOLITAN

Mariko Higuchi

Stellvertretende Leiterin der Wirtschaftsabteilung des Auswertigen Amts London

Kathleen Schröter

Managing Director & Co-Founder, ootiboo GmbH

Stefanie Lütteke & Vanessa Opel

Drees & Sommer

Katharina Weghmann

Partner – Integrity Solutions, Ernst & Young GmbH

Jules A. Barnes

Chaplain, St Thomas à Becket Anglican Church Hamburg

Evelyn Echeverria

CEO/International Business Development at mishkiyaku

Angela De Giacomo

Chief Investment Officer, eValue Family Office

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2021 Archive

Tijen Onaran

CEO & Founder, Global Digital Women

Cordelia Thielitz

Vice President Microgrid Solutions, Rolls-Royce Power Systems

Verena Pausder

Entrepreneur, Founder, Author

Natalya Nepomnyashcha

Pioneer for equal opportunities, educational advancement & social diversity

Dr Heide Baumann

Vodafone Germany Executive Committee

Barbara Hagedorn

Entrepreneur, Hagedorn Unternehmensgruppe

Nina Gillmann



Kerstin Plehwe

Entrepreneur, Consultant, bestselling Author

Claudia Oeking

Managing Director, Philip Morris GmbH

Jackie Waring

 Founder & CEO Investing Women

Anaïs Cosneau & Maya Miteva

Gründerinnen von Happy Immo

Silke Fischer

Geschäftsführerin, Direktion, MÄRCHENLAND – Deutsches Zentrum für Märchenkultur

SHeconomy Virtual Talk Series 2020 Archive

Dr Ursula Schütze-Kreilkamp

Head of Group Executives KFK/OFK 1, Deutsche Bahn AG

Rasha Oudeh


Marina Vahtola

Chairman of the Board, Chain Invest Oy

Fiona Hyslop

Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture

Joanne Hunger

Director Central Europe and Ireland, Western Union Business Solutions

Viola Klein

Entrepreneur, Supervisory Board Member, Honorary Consul

Dr Nicole Schilling

Vice President, Federal Office of Personnel Management of the German Armed Forces


Our SHeconomy Virtual Talks Series is kindly supported by

Forthcoming Events

03 April 2025

SHeconomy meets She-VIP: Lunch mit Verena Pausder – AUSGEBUCHT

12:00 - 15:00
Haus der Commerzbank, Pariser Platz 1, 10117 Berlin
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