BCCG Webinar: Cyber Defense
- 16 Sep. 2024
- Abgelaufen!
- 13:00 - 14:30

Together with our new cooperation partner Allianz für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft West e.V. we are inviting you and your colleagues cordially to our webinar:
BCCG Cyber & Digital Expert Group and ASW (West): Cyber Defense
Date: Monday, 16 September 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:30 h CEST
Location: Online via MS Teams
The news on cyber-criminal activity and damage to corporates and society in general continues to worsen. BCCG and ASW with valid partners and advisors intend to accelerate efforts and value to members by providing more regular insight into latest developments as well as enhance the partnership between the United Kingdom and Germany corporates alongside valued government agencies and academia.
To launch this effort and leading to further announcements this year and 2025 we announce the formal cooperation with the Allianz für Sicherheit and BCCG. This will be formalised in a brief webinar on Monday, 16 September at 13:00 – 14:30 h. Several members of both organisations have signaled the will in to lead parts of this enhanced offer.
– Welcome: Mark Roberts, Board member BCCG and BCCG Cyber & Digital Expert Group
– We would like you to “Meet the Presidents”: BCCG President Michael Schmidt and Allianz für Sicherheit ASW (W) President Christian Vogt. It is a joint intention that this becomes a nation level cooperation.
This will be followed by contributions from three active supporters of this growing bilateral effort announcing three examples of this increased cooperative effort.
– From our Diplomatic and Government Authority partners:
His Majesty’s Consul General Nick Russell – UK FCDO and DBT Germany
… who will describe the UKs approach and the growing cooperation and digital dialogue between our two countries, including the field of Quantum Computing
Leitender Oberstaatsanwalt Markus Hartmann, Leiter der Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cyber Crime Nordrhein-Westfalen “ZAC NRW”
… who will talk briefly about a growing cooperative initiative, born in the UK of “Trusted Cyber Volunteers”
– From our Academic Membership:
Professor Dr. Kerstin Felser, Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) GmbH, Universtiy of Applied Sciences
… who will briefly describe the FHM and her faculty in Düren, delivering BA and MSc level qualification in Cyber Security including th well established cooperation with the UK’s University of Gloucester and others developing.
– From our BCCG and ASW Management our Managing Directors:
Ilka Hartmann and Britta Brisch, who have helped form the cooperation and will explain the opportunity for our respective memberships.
Your moderators will be Mark Roberts, Board Member BCCG and Co-Chair of the BCCG Cyber Expert Group Dr. Martin Wolff, KRITIS & cyber
The language with be English. Q&A can take place in either language.
We would be delighted to welcome you to our webinar.
Please register by 11.09.2024 using the form on our website to receive the dial-in link.