UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal

UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal UK to associate to Horizon Europe and Copernicus programmes through a bespoke new agreement with the EU. Prime Minister secured improved financial terms of association that are right for the UK and protect the taxpayer. British scientists encouraged to apply now for grants and projects with…

The Border Target Operating Model: August 2023

Download: The Border Target Operating Model: August 2023 The final Border Target Operating Model sets out a new approach to security controls (applying to all imports), and sanitary and phytosanitary controls (applying to imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products) at the border. It sets out how controls will be simplified and…

UK Government announces extension of CE mark recognition for businesses

UK Government announces extension of CE mark recognition for businesses The Department for Business and Trade has today announced an indefinite extension to the use of CE marking for businesses. Business department announces indefinite CE mark recognition beyond 2024 deadline As part of the government’s drive for smarter regulation, the extension will cut business costs…

Electronic Trade Documents Bill

UK economy to receive £1 billion boost through innovative trade digitalisation act Electronic Trade Documents Act receives Royal Assent, making trade more straightforward, efficient and sustainable. A new law allowing shipping containers to be traded using digital documents, not paper ones, has been created after the Electronic Trade Documents Act received Royal Assent today (Thursday…

Modern Leadership ist THMA ohne E(go)!

Moment, gleich zwei Fragen: Modern Leadership ist das Thema? Modern Leadership ist ja das Buzzword, dass die Zukunftsfähigkeit der Organisationen sicherstellt! Ja, aber bitte was ist THMA? Glad you ask! THMA ist „The Heart Minded Approach”. In anderen Worten, die Essence des Modern Leaderships. Hand aufs Herz, aber was ist eigentlich Modern Leadership? Hat dies…

Was kann Europa tun, um auch in Zukunft ausländische Direktinvestitionen zu gewinnen und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken?

In Zeiten unsicherer geopolitischer Ereignisse ist ein stabiler europäischer Wirtschaftsraum zentral, um Wachstum und Wohlstand für kommende Generationen zu realisieren. Mit seinem gemeinsamen Binnenmarkt hat Europa einen wichtigen Standortvorteil. Dieser aber muss für die kommenden Herausforderungen fit gemacht werden. Selbst Führungskräfte, die die Aussichten Europas positiv sehen, mahnen weitere Anstrengungen an, um den Wirtschaftsstandort auf…

Job Posting – Corporate Services & IT Support Officer (DEU23.366) – Munich

The British Government in Germany is based at the British Embassy in Berlin and our consulates in Dusseldorf and Munich. We are part of a worldwide network, representing British political, economic and consular interests overseas. Currently, we’re looking for a Corporate Services & IT Support Officer for the British Consulate General in Munich. The Consulate-General represents British…