ETA für Einreise nach Großbritannien & Nordirland ab April 2025 nötig

Ab dem 2. April 2025 benötigen Besucher aus europäischen Ländern außerdem eine elektronische Reisegenehmigung (ETA), um nach Großbritannien und Nordirland zu reisen. Anträge können von Staatsangehörigen dieser Länder ab dem 5. März 2025 gestellt werden. Am einfachsten ist die Beantragung mit der “UK ETA App“, die aus dem Google Play oder Apple App Store heruntergeladen…

UK Tech Accelerator – Stuttgart

Grow your tech business in Stuttgart, Germany – Europe’s largest economy! As part of a new UK tech accelerator programme, the Department for Business and Trade is looking for UK tech companies to showcase their emerging tech solutions and grow their German customer base.Six emerging UK tech companies, who are interested in boosting exports to…

Expand your business in the UK

Your free, personalised guide Whatever your size and type of business, our free online guide can help you set up and grow in the UK. It’s a 2-minute step by step process to get your guide. What’s in the guide The guide takes you through the practical steps of setting up a business like opening…

UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal

UK joins Horizon Europe under a new bespoke deal UK to associate to Horizon Europe and Copernicus programmes through a bespoke new agreement with the EU. Prime Minister secured improved financial terms of association that are right for the UK and protect the taxpayer. British scientists encouraged to apply now for grants and projects with…

The Border Target Operating Model: August 2023

Download: The Border Target Operating Model: August 2023 The final Border Target Operating Model sets out a new approach to security controls (applying to all imports), and sanitary and phytosanitary controls (applying to imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products) at the border. It sets out how controls will be simplified and…

UK Government announces extension of CE mark recognition for businesses

UK Government announces extension of CE mark recognition for businesses The Department for Business and Trade has today announced an indefinite extension to the use of CE marking for businesses. Business department announces indefinite CE mark recognition beyond 2024 deadline As part of the government’s drive for smarter regulation, the extension will cut business costs…

BWUK-Office Sommerempfang – Stuttgart, 7. Juli 2023

Gemeinsam mit dem Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg und unserem Mitglied Baden-Württemberg International – UK Office laden wir Sie herzlich zu einem Sommerempfang mit bestem Blick über Stuttgart ein: BWUK-Office Sommerempfang Datum: Freitag, 7. Juli 2023Zeit: 17:30 – 20:00 Uhr MESZVeranstaltungsort: Teehaus im Weißenburgpark, Hohenheimer Str. 119, 70184 Stuttgart Zelebrieren Sie mit uns die britisch-baden-württembergische Freundschaft und nutzen…